Window Seat | Mrinal Chatterjee
These days, it seems everybody and his/her uncle and aunty are
talking about honesty in politics. Almost everybody is agitated about the way
our political parties are trying to usurp power, by any means and any cost.
Everybody is concerned about horse trading including, probably, the horses.
Everybody is talking about the moral degradation of the politicians, how they
spend money to ‘buy’ votes before
elections and elected persons after the
elections, how the elections are becoming so very expensive affair that an
ordinary person of modest means has no chance there.
In this situation I saw the following facebook post of Professor BN
Neelima, who teaches mass communication in an Andhra Pradesh University and
paints in her free time.
“I want that seat for my son in that prestigious college. Rs 50
lakhs? Of course, take it. He needs to settle down well. I got to earn more for
that. I need a huge house, cars, jewellery and of course that foreign alliance
for my daughter. I need to make more money. Let me see...can I take bribes,
manipulate bills, pull the rug under my colleague to get a promotion? Is there
a way I can reduce my tax? Any loopholes? I'm working with my auditor on that.
That property papers need to show reduced buying price, I could evade tax that way. See that
guy is a mere clerk in revenue department…he has made more money than me! I
have to catch up! Sell those job positions! Take more bribes. Yay I'm rich. Now
generations can live in prosperity! Let me vote for this guy...he is from my
caste my religion; he will help me if he comes to power! Help me to make more
money! Who is corrupt? Of course the govt. is corrupt! 100 crores for one MLA!!
Tch tch ... could have given to farmers, poor people; they have no one to help
them! What? You ask me if I have ever helped one single farmer in my life? Why
should I? What? Not buy those diamond bangles and give the money to farmers!!
Are you crazy? That's not my job.”
She ends her
post with a comment: Yatha Praja
Tatha Raja! It means people get the rulers they deserve. If we are corrupt,
we’ll get corrupt rulers. If we are greedy, we’ll get greedy rulers. We cannot
get honest politicians if we are not ready to be honest ourselves.
Walking, my doctor friend tells me,
is the best exercise. It reduces stress. Helps to keep your heart strong.
Reduces cholesterol. Helps in digestion. Messages your foot. Improves blood
circulation. Strengthens the muscles. It also lets you think.
I fail to understand why most of our
cities are so pedestrian-unfriendly! You just cannot walk. Either there is no
footpath. And if there is, then it has been occupied by street vendors or heaps
of garbage.
People should be encouraged to walk
more. It has several plus points. It will keep people fit. If people walk or
cycle to their workplace, it will save on fossil fuel and in turn make the
environment clean and healthy. In many European countries people are going to
their work place by cycle- for health and environmental reasons.
It makes
sound economic and environmental sense to keep our cities and towns pedestrian
and cycling friendly. Gangtok is one such city, which has marked and barricaded
pedestrian pathway. Mysore has managed to keep its footpath fairly congestion
free. Bhubaneswar has some roads which has dedicated cycle alley. More cities
should emulate them.
you ever noticed the arts and writings painted on the back of trucks and some
buses, especially in Northern India? You have not! Please do from now. You’ll
find many interesting pieces of traditional and pop art. Besides the ubiquitous
‘Tata Bye Bye, Speed Limit 40, Bure Nazar
Wale, Tera munh Kala’, you will find portraits of freedom fighters, village
dames, natural scenes and umpteen numbers of paintings of flowers and geometric
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Truck Art, Pakistan |
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Truck Art, India |
form of art has become a unique tradition in Pakistan. Many trucks and buses in
Pakistan are highly customized and decorated by their owners. These adorned
vehicles are considered as moving art, or jingle art. Because of their unique
decor style, these vehicles are quite distinct in layout from other trucks around
the world. Each part of the vehicle is decorated differently, with variations
depending on the regional style. Although the decorative process is usually
very expensive, it is still practiced throughout Pakistan and a few other
countries of Central Asia with great zeal and aesthetic zest.
Tailpiece: Class
Most 'First Class' students get technical seats, some become
Doctors and some Engineers.
The 'Second Class' pass, and then pass MBA, become
Administrators and control the 'First Class'.
The 'Third Class' pass, enter politics and become Ministers
and control both.
Last, but not the least, The 'Failures' join the underworld
and control all the above.
Tailpiece: Account Closed
Minister came and planted a tree in morning!
Goat came and ate the plant in afternoon!
Minister came and ate the goat for dinner!
Account closed!
(Courtesy: Email forward)
media academician Mrinal Chatterjee also writes fiction. English translation of
his Odia novel Shakti will be released
on 8 June at Kalinga Lit Fest in Bhubaneswar.
An anthology of this column
published through 2017 will also be released there.
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