Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Information | Call for Paper




Implications and Influences of New Media technologies on  Journalism
FEBRUARY 12, 2016

Implications and Influences of New Media technologies on  Journalism
ABOUT M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women
 One of the youngest colleges in the country to be granted autonomy, M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women has displayed its penchant for distinction and innovation in academics since its inception. The college has been committed to attracting and supporting top calibre women students, providing them the right arena for higher education. The college has over 14 UG & 8 PG courses plus a dedicated Research programme in the Department of Commerce. Affiliated to the University of Madras, it boasts a strength of 3,000 students. The college offered itself for accreditation in its decennial year in 2004 and has been reaccredited in 2009 by the NAAC (The National Assessment & Accreditation Council) with an ‘A’ grade and a 3.51 CGPA on a 4 point scale.
The vision of the college is to evolve into a University of international repute. Towards this end,
the regimen of academic study at each level is well balanced with extra & co curricular activities, which include workshops, lectures, seminars, conferences, symposia etc. organized by the faculty. The individual departments of the college are responsible for the academic activities which include teaching, research and other educational support to students. The teaching faculty have distinguished themselves through awards for academic accolades earned nationally and globally.
 Department of Journalism. Established in 2003, the Department of Journalism seeks to equip aspiring journalists to handle news in the print media, the electronic media and the online media. As part of the course, students undertake projects which involve active field experience comprising live beat coverage, research and interviews that equip them with the skills required to join the band of professionals in the industry.
The department believes in keeping up with the trends in the field of journalism, and recognises the magnitude of influence that the digital media has on its practice.  Far from being the radical, avant garde concept it once was, practised by only the most forward-looking of news organisations, convergence journalism has now made its presence felt in the journalistic landscape. Most news organisations, having tentatively tried their hands at being part of the digital world -producing a video clip here, web updates there, and elsewhere an interactive infographic - are now regularly doing it all, and what's more, they are deploying a lean, multi-skilled team, rather than specialists, to do it.
But what is the upshot of this seismic shift? On the one hand, it puts a vast array of technological tools in the hands of journalists. At the same time, it puts a question mark on the very notion of who is a journalist. With the Internet -- particularly social media -- democratising journalistic resources and information, every networked citizen could potentially be a disseminator of news content. If the supply pattern has changed, so has the consumption. News reception is no longer collective -it is much more individualised. Besides, thanks to mobile wireless technology, news content portability may even exceed that of newspapers, as Denis Mc Quail says.
In this scenario, some questions arise. With the amateurisation of news production, whither journalistic accountability? When more and more content ends up online for the consumption of an active minority, could the majority of citizens be left the victims of a knowledge gap? What happens to public opinion? Are the emerging media technologies changing the face of journalism? If so, how? And where do the traditional news media stand in this changing scenario?
These and many more questions surrounding media convergence in journalism warrant in-depth study and knowledge-sharing, so that, even as news production and delivery models change, basic journalistic values are preserved. The department of Journalism at M.O.P. Vaishnav College has taken a step in this direction through a paper presentation seminar on various dimensions of new media and digital journalism.
Implications and Influences of New Media technologies on  Journalism
The Seminar will involve research paper presentation by faculty from the department of journalism/media/communication from various academic institutions in India.
The Seminar calls for papers based on original, empirical research or with a heavy focus on review of literature in any of the following areas:
1. Traditional media Vs. New media

Ø  Impact
Ø  News values
Ø  Credibility
Ø  Citizen journalism Vs. professional journalism
Ø  Agenda setting- social media or traditional news media?
Ø  Effective platform for creating public opinion- Social media or traditional news media?
Ø  Twitter and social media as sources of news for traditional media
Ø  Opportunity and challenges of convergence for new s media
Ø  Database journalism
Ø  Trends in print and broadcast journalism
Ø  Breaking news or the complete story?
Ø  Ethics and broadcast journalism
Ø  Censorship and media
Ø  Celebrity journalism
Ø  Technological Determinism
Ø  Technological Acceptance
Ø  Social Shaping of Technology
Ø  Uses and Gratifications of new media for news
2. New Media and Journalism
Ø  New media and new news values
Ø  Media richness of online news sites
Ø  Freedom of the Internet
Ø  Fact checking 
Ø  Global News flows and new media
Ø  Emergency journalism
Ø  New media and Crisis coverage
Ø  twitter and social media as source of news for traditional media
Ø  What makes a story go viral?
Ø  Opportunity and challenges of convergence for news media
Ø  New media, new laws?
Ø  New media and ethics
Ø  Weblog journalism
Ø  The Virtual fandom and celebrity journalism
Ø  Social media and Opinionated journalism
Ø  Social media and news dissemination
Ø  News as open source content
Ø  Digital media and election  coverage/election campaign
Ø  Mobile story telling
Ø  Social data and journalism
Ø  Digital journalism
Ø  Social media - platform for establishing power or a platform for resistance?
Ø  Instagram as a platform for news
Ø  Areas of curriculum development - innovations in journalism education.
Abstracts of not more than 250 words  may be submitted by September 30th, 2015. Full papers of abstracts approved, between  3,000 and 4,000 words, may be submitted by December 25, 2015.
Registration fee: DD of Rs. 500 in favour of M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai.
Email :

Mobile phone:
Ms. Nrithya Maria Andrews:  9176224452
Ms. Aarthi Jayaram: 9962064489

Department of Journalism, M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women: 044-28330507 ext 402
Postal mail: M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women (Autonomous)
No. 20, IV Lane, Nungambakkam High Road
Chennai-600 034

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