Saturday, 4 June 2022

WINDOW SEAT. Weekly Column in English. 5.6.22


Window Seat | Mrinal Chatterjee | 5.6.22

Environment Day

Today, June 5 is observed as World Environment Day. It was 50 years ago that the Stockholm Declaration came into being at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was established. This year, therefore, World Environment Day 2022 will be hosted by Sweden. This year the campaign slogan is: "Only One Earth" that focuses on "Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature." 

Homosapiens have been around for over two hundred thousand years. The question of disharmony and sustainability arose only in the last 300 years as we over exploited natural resources as if they are infinite. The rate of exploitation became unsustainable. So much so in some areas it has caused irreversible damage to the nature. Human activities have caused the world's wildlife populations to plummet by more than two-thirds in the last 50 years, according to a new report from the World Wildlife Fund. The Living Planet Report 2020 report drew on wildlife monitoring of more than 4,300 different vertebrate species - mammals, fish, birds and amphibians - from around the world. It found that population sizes for those monitored species declined by an average of 68 percent from 1970 to 2016. Climate change is staring at our face. Earth's temperature has risen by 0.14° F (0.08° C) per decade since 1880, and the rate of warming over the past 40 years is more than twice that: 0.32° F (0.18° C) per decade since 1981. We have already started feeling its impact. Sea level and temperature are rising with catastrophic implications.

As there is no other place for us to go, there is just one planet where we can live- we need to think about sustainability. And act. NOW.

Binod Kanungo at 110

Binod Kanungo’s 110th birth anniversary falls on 6 June. He is remembered for the monumental Odia encyclopedia Jnanmandal that he started compiling single handedly in 1954. The first volume was released on 2 December 1960. He established the Jnanmandal Foundation, which presently is carrying out the works that he dreamt of.

Born on 6 June 1912 at Mallipur (Kishannagar) in Cuttack district He had his primary education at Naganpur village and secondary school education at the Ranihat Highschool, Cuttack. Later he got a scholarship to study at Ravenshaw Collegiate School.

However, in 1930, he left his studies to join the freedom movement inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s call to shun foreign education. He was in Class-X then.

In 1934, he was appointed by the Samaja to cover Mahatama Gandhi's Harijan Padayatra from Puri to Bhadrak. During this period he got the opportunity to interact with Gandhiji, who shaped his values and world view. Later he worked with the eminent Gandhian Gopabandhu Choudhury and joined The Samaja as an Assistant Editor. He was jailed for his participation in the freedom struggle.

After independence he fought the first general elections in 1952. He lost, which in retrospect was good for Odisha as from 1954 he started working on Gyanmandal with single minded devotion. It was a repository of basic knowledge on practically everything in simple and lucid Odia.

Although Jnanmandal was his magnum opus, he wrote numerous popular books in Odia including travelogues, biographies, children's books and also more than a hundred books on science and technology.

He was conferred Odisha Sahitya Akademi Award in 1984 for his semi-autobiogrPadmashree title in 1983. He died on 22 June 1990.

Marrying oneself

The headline says: 24 year old from Gujarat set to marry herself in solo wedding. Solo wedding! It caught my attention and I read the news, which told me that Vadodara based Kshama Bindu is marrying herself. She has planned to go on a solo honeymoon too. This is probably the first self-marriage or sologamy in Gujarat.

What is sologamy and how can you marry yourself? My wife asked me as she went through the news. By that time I had read the interview of Kshama Bindu published in Times of India, where she said: I want to be a ‘dulhan’ (bride) but not a ‘biwi’ (wife).

I told her what Kshama said and added sologamy is loving oneself unabashedly without bowing down to the overt or covert societal pressure to conform to the stereotype.

My wife was more confused.

Predictably this news has already created a buzz in social media. Uttam Senguta, senior journalist who had worked with top-notch publications wrote in his social media post:  I thought most Indians unquestioningly love themselves, praise themselves and are committed to themselves. What is new?

I agree. What, indeed is new in this?

The First mammal to go on space journey

Before humans actually went into space, American and Russian scientists utilized animals - mainly monkeys, chimps and dogs - in order to test their ability to launch a living organism into space and bring it back alive and unharmed.

On June 11, 1948, a V-2 Blossom launched into space from White Sands, New Mexico carrying Albert I, a rhesus monkey. It was a historic occasion as the first mammal was sent to space. Albert I died within hours. Lack of fanfare and documentation made Albert an unsung hero of animal astronauts.

It followed a series of space missions by the Americans with monkeys (named Albert second, third, etc) and mice as passengers. 

On June 14, 1949, a second V-2 flight carrying a live Air Force Aeromedical Laboratory monkey, Albert II, attained an altitude of 83 miles. The monkey died on impact. On August 31, 1950, another V-2 was launched and carried an unanaesthetized mouse that was photographed in flight and did not survive impact. On December 12, 1949, the last V-2 monkey flight was launched at White Sands. Albert IV, a rhesus monkey attached to monitoring instruments, was the payload. It was a successful flight, with no ill effects on the monkey until impact, when it died.

The Soviets too were embarking on space mission. On November 3rd, 1957, Sputnik 2 blasted into Earth orbit with a dog named Laika aboard. Laika, (Russian for "Husky" or "Barker’) was a small, stray mongrel picked up from the street. She was hastily trained and put aboard in a metal carrier under the second Sputnik sphere. There was no time to work out any reentry strategy and Laika expired after a few hours.

A small monument in the memory of Laika was built in 2008 in Moscow near a military research station. It is shaped like an abstract rocket that morphs into a hand, cradling Laika towards the stars.

Statue of Laika in Moscow

Tailpiece: Majority

A politician was distributing sweets even as his son failed the examination.

People asked: Why?

The politician replied: In a class of 80, sixty failed. So the majority is with my son.



Journalist turned media academician Mrinal Chatterjee lives in Dhenkanal, Odisha. He also writes fiction and plays.

This column is published every Sunday in Sikkim Express and


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