Wednesday, 30 January 2019
Tuesday, 29 January 2019
Satrangi Batein | Column in Hindi
सतरंगी बातें
अब पूरे देश में यही मौसम है । अब ओडिशा की ही बात ले लीजिए ! विपक्ष के कुछ नेता सत्तापक्ष के हो गए हैं । फिर कुछ नेता उस पार्टी को छोड़ कर दूसरी पार्टी में शामिल हो गए हैं। दुसरे दिन जब अखबार से लोगों को इस बात का पता लगा तो आधे कन्फ्यूज हो गए कि कौन किस दल का नेता है ! दोस्तों ! राजनीति में रोज कुछ न कुछ होता रहता है । वहां कोई किसीका परमानेंट दोस्त नहीं । जरूरत ही दुश्मन और दोस्त तय करता है । आज जो इस दल में है कल उस दल में होगा ।
पार्टी से याद आया कि कुछ पार्टिंयां है या नहीं यह जान पाना मुश्किल है । चुनाव से पहले कईं छोटी-मोटी पार्टियों का संगम बड़ी पार्टियों से हो जाता है । इस दल-बदली के बारे में मैंने शोध किया । इसके चार ही कारण हैं । एक- जो दल बदलने वाले नेता कहते हैं । दो- जो नेता के दल छोड़ने बाद वहां बचे नेता कहते हैं । तीन- जिस पार्टी में नेता शामिल होते हैं उसी पार्टी के सदस्य जो कहते हैं और चार-जिस कारण एक नेता दल छोड़कर दुसरी पार्टी में शामिल होता है वही होता है असली कारण । आपने अगर नोटिस किया होगा तो , पार्टी छोड़ने के बाद नेता अक्सर यही कहते हैं कि इस पार्टी का कोई आदर्श नहीं । इसमें लोकतंत्र ही नहीं । पार्टी के नेता स्वार्थी हैं । आम लोगों की बातों को वह नजरअंदाज कर देते हैं । मैं लोगों की सेवा के लिए जो करना चाहता हूं, वह कर नहीं पा रहा । मेरा दम घुट रहा है । इसीलिए मैंने इस पार्टी को छोड़ कर उस पार्टी को ज्वाइन किया है ।
पार्टी छोड़ने वाले ज्यादातर नेता यही कहते हैं कि पूर्व पार्टी खराब थी, नई पार्टी अच्छी है । उन्हें स्वीकार करनेवाले नेता कहते हैं- उस दल के दिग्गज नेता बुरे हैं । जिन्होंने पार्टी ज्वाइन की है वही साधु हैं । जो साधु नेता हमारी पार्टी में शामिल हुए हैं उनके आने के बाद पार्टी और मजबूत होगी ।
फिर नेता जिस पार्टी को छोड़कर जाते हैं उस पार्टी के नेता कहते हैं उनके जाने से हमारा बिलकुल भी नुकसान नहीं होगा । पार्टी पर उसका प्रभाव नहीं पड़ेगा । वह बहुत ही स्वार्थी थे । पार्टी की हितों के बारे में नहीं सोचते थे । पार्टी का काम नहीं करते थे । केवल आत्म प्रचार में लगे रहते थे । उनके जाने से पार्टी और भी मजबूत हो गई है ।
अब दल-बदलने का असली कारण मैं आपको बताता हूं । असली कारण है, स्वार्थ और अभिमान । कुछ लोग अभिमान के कारण पार्टी छोड़ते हैें । पार्टी में जिस तरह का सम्मान मिलना चाहिेए उस तरह का सम्मान न मिलने पर कुछ लोग पार्टी छोड़ते हैं । लेकिन एेसे लोगों की संख्या कम है । असलिय़त तो यह है कि अगर पुरानी पार्टी में अपना स्वार्थ पूरा न हो अथवा जो पद मिलना चाहिए वह न मिले तो नेता पार्टी छोड़ देते हैं । पकड़ो । छोड़ो । पकड़ो । छोड़ो । यह हमारी राजनीतिक संस्कृति बन चुकी है ।
इसकेलिए केवल राजनेता जिम्मेदार नहीं क्योंकि नेता पेड़ पर नहीं उगते । लोग हीं किसी इंसान को नेता बनाते हैं । कहते का मतलब यह है कि मतदाता हीं इसमें कुछ कर सकते हैं । अगर हम दल-बदलने वाले नेता को वोट न देकर खारिज कर दें, तो नेताओं को सीख मिलेगी । वरना इसी तरह अदला-बदली का मौसम चलता रहेगा ।
मृणाल चटर्जी
अनुवाद- इतिश्री सिंह राठौर
ठंड को जैसे हरी सब्जियों का मौसम माना जाता है , वसंत ऋतु को फूलों का मौसम और बारिश को सर्दी-बुखार का मौसम कह सकते हैं । उसी तरह चुनाव को दल-बदल का मौसम माना जा सकता है । चुनाव के कुछ महीने पहले कौन सा नेता किस पार्टी में शामिल होगा यह कहना मुश्किल हो जाता है । कल तक जिस नेताको गालियां देते थे, दुनिया का सबसे भ्रष्ट आदमी कहते थे अब उसको भगवान कहते हैं और उसीका ही भजन गाते हैं ।अब पूरे देश में यही मौसम है । अब ओडिशा की ही बात ले लीजिए ! विपक्ष के कुछ नेता सत्तापक्ष के हो गए हैं । फिर कुछ नेता उस पार्टी को छोड़ कर दूसरी पार्टी में शामिल हो गए हैं। दुसरे दिन जब अखबार से लोगों को इस बात का पता लगा तो आधे कन्फ्यूज हो गए कि कौन किस दल का नेता है ! दोस्तों ! राजनीति में रोज कुछ न कुछ होता रहता है । वहां कोई किसीका परमानेंट दोस्त नहीं । जरूरत ही दुश्मन और दोस्त तय करता है । आज जो इस दल में है कल उस दल में होगा ।
पार्टी से याद आया कि कुछ पार्टिंयां है या नहीं यह जान पाना मुश्किल है । चुनाव से पहले कईं छोटी-मोटी पार्टियों का संगम बड़ी पार्टियों से हो जाता है । इस दल-बदली के बारे में मैंने शोध किया । इसके चार ही कारण हैं । एक- जो दल बदलने वाले नेता कहते हैं । दो- जो नेता के दल छोड़ने बाद वहां बचे नेता कहते हैं । तीन- जिस पार्टी में नेता शामिल होते हैं उसी पार्टी के सदस्य जो कहते हैं और चार-जिस कारण एक नेता दल छोड़कर दुसरी पार्टी में शामिल होता है वही होता है असली कारण । आपने अगर नोटिस किया होगा तो , पार्टी छोड़ने के बाद नेता अक्सर यही कहते हैं कि इस पार्टी का कोई आदर्श नहीं । इसमें लोकतंत्र ही नहीं । पार्टी के नेता स्वार्थी हैं । आम लोगों की बातों को वह नजरअंदाज कर देते हैं । मैं लोगों की सेवा के लिए जो करना चाहता हूं, वह कर नहीं पा रहा । मेरा दम घुट रहा है । इसीलिए मैंने इस पार्टी को छोड़ कर उस पार्टी को ज्वाइन किया है ।
पार्टी छोड़ने वाले ज्यादातर नेता यही कहते हैं कि पूर्व पार्टी खराब थी, नई पार्टी अच्छी है । उन्हें स्वीकार करनेवाले नेता कहते हैं- उस दल के दिग्गज नेता बुरे हैं । जिन्होंने पार्टी ज्वाइन की है वही साधु हैं । जो साधु नेता हमारी पार्टी में शामिल हुए हैं उनके आने के बाद पार्टी और मजबूत होगी ।
फिर नेता जिस पार्टी को छोड़कर जाते हैं उस पार्टी के नेता कहते हैं उनके जाने से हमारा बिलकुल भी नुकसान नहीं होगा । पार्टी पर उसका प्रभाव नहीं पड़ेगा । वह बहुत ही स्वार्थी थे । पार्टी की हितों के बारे में नहीं सोचते थे । पार्टी का काम नहीं करते थे । केवल आत्म प्रचार में लगे रहते थे । उनके जाने से पार्टी और भी मजबूत हो गई है ।
अब दल-बदलने का असली कारण मैं आपको बताता हूं । असली कारण है, स्वार्थ और अभिमान । कुछ लोग अभिमान के कारण पार्टी छोड़ते हैें । पार्टी में जिस तरह का सम्मान मिलना चाहिेए उस तरह का सम्मान न मिलने पर कुछ लोग पार्टी छोड़ते हैं । लेकिन एेसे लोगों की संख्या कम है । असलिय़त तो यह है कि अगर पुरानी पार्टी में अपना स्वार्थ पूरा न हो अथवा जो पद मिलना चाहिए वह न मिले तो नेता पार्टी छोड़ देते हैं । पकड़ो । छोड़ो । पकड़ो । छोड़ो । यह हमारी राजनीतिक संस्कृति बन चुकी है ।
इसकेलिए केवल राजनेता जिम्मेदार नहीं क्योंकि नेता पेड़ पर नहीं उगते । लोग हीं किसी इंसान को नेता बनाते हैं । कहते का मतलब यह है कि मतदाता हीं इसमें कुछ कर सकते हैं । अगर हम दल-बदलने वाले नेता को वोट न देकर खारिज कर दें, तो नेताओं को सीख मिलेगी । वरना इसी तरह अदला-बदली का मौसम चलता रहेगा ।
Saturday, 26 January 2019
Appeal to help build Media Museum at IIMC, Dhenkanal
This is the first Hindi Newspaper from New Zealand for Indian community. Sri Subir Ghosh brought this and many other newspapers from New Zealand and Australia for the Media Museum that we are trying to develop at IIMC, Dhenkanal.
You can also help by sending newspapers, magazines in different languages or countries, old communication devices like old radio, gramaphone record, telephone, camera, musical instruments, puppets, etc.
May send to IIMC, Sanchar Marg, Dhenkanal 759 001, Odisha.
Every article received will be duly acknowledged and if displayed in the museum will bear a plaque of the name of the donor.
Friday, 25 January 2019
Column | Window Seat
Window Seat |
Mrinal Chatterjee | 27.1.19
Indian Newspaper Day
a sleepy cold morning of January 29, 1780, the first newspaper of
India: ‘The Bengal Gazette or Calcutta General Advertiser’ was published by a
young Irishman James Augustus Hicky and with that an illustrious journey began.
January 29th is observed as Indian Newspaper day to commemorate the
beginning of that journey.
news dissemination in some forms had been there for a long time, but systematic
and structured news dissemination began only in 17th century in some
European countries including England. From 18th century onwards
newspapers spread in various English colonies like America, Africa and India.
some exceptions like Hickey’s Bengal Gazette, the earlier avatars of newspapers were confined to being the mouthpiece of
administration. Gradually newspapers began to assert its independence and began
to reflect reality and people’s voice. The administrative backlash was prompt
and harsh. But the noose tightening in the neck couldn’t stifle the soul of
Freedom of Press. In 19th-20th century, the Press
worldwide rose from the shambles of ordinariness to become the fourth estate of
the State.
India, newspapers strived to dispel the superstitions and social maladies,
fought hard for freedom from alien rule and in many regions for a separate
province on linguistic basis. The Freedom struggle formed the bedrock of
character of the Indian Journalism. It was in this era that the sanctity of
facts, justice to the masses and largely an anti-establishment approach became
the hallmark.
the press in India has evolved and grown over the years both vertically and
horizontally. It has survived Radio and Television and will survive the digital
era communication. Newspapers have reinvented itself to negotiate new
technology or new communication platforms.
will continue to do so.
Kottayam Diary: The conclusion
The heading is a rip-off from Bahubali 2: the Conclusion.
Last week I
wrote about Kottayam, Kerala which I visited recently on a teaching assignment.
The place has enamoured me so much that this week also I am writing a few
pieces on it.
When I was
there, the controversial movie Accidental
Prime Minister was released in Kottayam without any protest and threat to
disrupt screening. Though I did not find time to watch the movie there, I found
no report of any disturbance from anywhere in the city and I was happy
about that.
I strongly feel, no film, cleared by the CBFC should be stopped or barred from screening by any which means.
I strongly feel, no film, cleared by the CBFC should be stopped or barred from screening by any which means.
4 things that I noticed in Kottayam
There is hardly
any honking on roads, even if the roads are narrow and has heavy traffic. I
noticed this in Sikkim and also in Aizwal, Mizoram.
There are no stray cattle or dogs on road, even in rural areas. Hence roads are cleaner and safer.
There is a general cleanliness. People do not throw garbage around. You hardly find anybody with shabby and dirty clothes.
There are no stray cattle or dogs on road, even in rural areas. Hence roads are cleaner and safer.
There is a general cleanliness. People do not throw garbage around. You hardly find anybody with shabby and dirty clothes.
People by and
large are friendly and courteous. Even, the auto drivers are not rude and
haughty. One line of caution: autos are very expensive here. Buses are cheaper
than many other states. But most of the buses have signage only in Malayalam
that makes it difficult for people not knowing Malayalam use it.
Art at Public Spaces
The nearest airport to Kottayam is at Kochi. Kochi Airport is
fully powered by solar energy. It has a unique architecture in sync with the
distinct Kerala style. Even the chairs have a distinct Kerala feel.
From Kochi I flew to Mumbai. Since the connecting flight to
Bhubaneswar was a good three hours away- I had the opportunity to explore Mumbai
International airport. It is a veritable museum of Indian Art and Crafts.
Artifacts from almost all states of the country have been tastefully displayed
I believe art in public spaces not only increases the aesthetic
quotient of the place, it also showcases the art and craft for the uninitiated.
Some big Railway stations also have done this. This could be
tried in other places like smaller railway stations and bus stands as well.
Innovative wall paintings, murals could be tried.
Social Gatherings
Winter is a festive season in Odisha, Bihar and the plains of
West Bengal, wherever the winter is not too harsh- with many marriages, thread ceremonies, nirbandh (sagai) happening. These are
good occasions for catching up with relatives whom you have not met for quite a
while. You exchange pleasantries, chitchat on everything under the son
including other relatives and current political affairs and local gossip.
Initially you think it is a huge waste of time but at some point-to-point you
kind of begin to enjoy it all, especially the local gossip.
Temples everywhere in Odisha these days are busy with multiple
marraige, nirbandha, thread ceremony,
etc taking place. If you want delicious vegetarian food free, enter any temple
find a suitable place and partake. Just smile at anybody who looks at you with
a questioning eye.
Tailpiece: Job Rotation
A husband visited a
marriage counsellor and said: "When we were first married, I would
come home from the office, my wife would bring my slippers and our cute little
dog would run around barking. Now after ten years it's different. I come
home, the dog brings the slippers and my wife runs around barking."
Said the counselor,
"Why complain. You are still getting the same service. In the corporate
world they call it.....Job Rotation!"
(Courtesy: Social
This column is published every Sunday in Gangtok based English daily Sikkim Express and
Wednesday, 23 January 2019
Saturday, 19 January 2019
Column | Window Seat
Window Seat | Mrinal Chatterjee | 20.1.19
Kumarakom Diary
Former Prime
Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee made Kumarakom nationally known, when he chose
this place as his weeklong sojourn in
December 2000. Kumarakom, about 15 km from Kottayam city in Kerala is known for
its expansive back waters, a small bird sanctuary and Vembanad lake and
ayurvedic treatment.
Vajpayee stayed here for about a week got ayurvedic treatment for his recently
operated knees and wrote poetry and essays, which was widely published- people
from far and near flocked to rediscover this place and now it has become a
major tourist draw. Dozens of resorts have sprouted. Number of houseboats
There is a
song in Bengali (sabai kare bale sabai kare tai) which translated in English
reads like: everybody is doing because everybody else it doing that. Following
that trend I decided to visit Kumarakon with my local Man-Friday Sabu (He calls
himself 'Sabu Driver'. He is proud of the fact that he has been professionally
driving for 37 years. I'll tell about him some other time).
He took me to
Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary spread over 14 acres (5.7 ha) on the southern bank of the Kavanar
River and adjacent to Vembanad lake, it attracts several species of migratory birds, besides being home to
many local species.
Developed in a rubber plantation as a bird sanctuary by Englishman George Alfred Baker the sanctuary was formerly known as Baker’s Estate. There is a system of paths for moving around within the sanctuary. Beyond the sanctuary, one can take a boat ride in Vembanad Lake or along the Kavanar River.
Developed in a rubber plantation as a bird sanctuary by Englishman George Alfred Baker the sanctuary was formerly known as Baker’s Estate. There is a system of paths for moving around within the sanctuary. Beyond the sanctuary, one can take a boat ride in Vembanad Lake or along the Kavanar River.
As I strode
inside the sanctuary, Sabu accompanying me, I found many young couples - seemed
like college kids more interested in each other than the birds or the lake. I
could see the telltale signs of the first stage of love- both are unsure of themselves,
there is apprehension, nervousness, and also the pleasure of trading into an
unknown zone. I kept my face straight, dark glasses doing the rest. Coming to
the birds, they decided to give me a slip en masse. A lone young lizard
slithered by, stopped, looked at me and moved inside a bush. It probably told
me it is not a zoo moron. It is our home. We'll come out, when we like. So be
House Boat
(called kettu-
vallams in Malayali) in Kerala are like floating hotels with AC rooms, large
TV sets, good fresh cooked food. It comes in different sizes. From just sitting
to three large air-conditioned bed rooms plus a living area. The prices vary
though- it gives one a unique experience. As more people want that experience,
over a period the number of houseboats have increased.
So much so
that it is causing the problem of pollution in the lake, which needs to be
Churches of Kotttayam
Christanity is the third-most practised religion in Kerala, accounting for 18% of the population. In fact history records that Christianity arrived in Kerala by 52 AD. Kottayam has a large and varied Christian population comprising of 43.48 per cent of the total population of the district according to 2011 census. Christian missionaries arrived here early, set up educational institutions and churches.
There are
several old majestic looking churches in and around Kottayam. There are churches
with different architecture. But all the churches that I could visit are
immaculately maintained. Very clean. Very neat and orderly.
The day I
went around Kumarakom at least two churches had marraige ceremony. I wanted to
see the rituals. But I was told it was over, and marraige feast was being held
at adjacent Mandapam. I was interested to go there and eat. (Yes, I had done
that before). But Sabu driver had some other ideas.
Toddy Shops in Kerala
Sabu took me
to a Toddy Shop instead. For your information, toddy shops serve the most
authentic non-veg food. The service is quick. The place is clean and I found
several people with their family eating there.
Throughout the state of Kerala, there are
plenty of toddy shops that serve authentic toddy along with spicy Kerala food.
The friendly atmosphere you enjoy at these shops makes sure you have a good
memory to remember when you return home.
For the uninitiated, toddy, also known as
Palm Wine, is probably the most popular drink in the state of Kerala.
Foreigners like to call it coconut vodka. The mildly alcoholic beverage is made
from the fermented sap of coconut palm tree. It tastes best when stored in a
mud vessel. Kerala’s hot and spicy food becomes a perfect complement to a glass
or two of toddy.
For a list of Toddy Shops that you may visit
on your next trip to Kerala- google it.
Declaration: I have not tasted toddy. It is
not mandatory to take in the toddy shop.
Why does it
feel that the distance has increased and it is taking more time, when you are
returning home after a long time.
Mrinal chatterjee is a journalist turned media academician.
He lives in Dhenkanal, Odisha.
This column is published every Sunday in Sikkim Express and
International Cartoon Exhibition
The organizer of the 24th International cartoon exhibition ZAGREB 2019 is the Croatian Cartoonist Association. The festival is opened for everyone regardless of nationality, age, sex, or profession.
Conditions of entry:
1. Original works and digital artworks will be accepted. Digital
artwork is to be numbered in pencil on the front and pencil
signed. Copies cannot be admitted.
2. Entries can be either black and white or coloured.
3. There should be the name, the surname and the adress on the
reverse side of cartoons.
4. The cartoons must not have been previously awarded on
5. Maximum 3 entries will be submitted.
6. Size of entries is A4 or A3 format.
Entry deadline is the 21th March 2019.
First Prize 1.000 EUR
Second Prize 500 EUR
Third Prize 300 EUR
Five Special mentions
The exhibition will take place in Gallery Klovićevi dvori in Zagreb on the 7th May 2019.
Authors of works that qualify to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition cataloque.
Only on explicit request will remaining (original) works be returned to the owners in the end of the exhibition cycle (in the second half of the year 2020).
The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival, Zagreb 2019, as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a fee to an author whose work may be used.
The prize-winning works become property of the organizer.
Friday, 18 January 2019
Hindi Translation of Shakti
Hindi Translation of Shakti to be released on 10 Feb
Hindi Translation of the Odia novel Shakti, is scheduled for release on 10 Feb. 2019. It has been translated in Hindi by Itishree Singh Rathaur.Publisher: Blue Rose Publications, New Delhi.
In 2018, its English translation was released.
Translation by Nadeem Khan. Publisher: Time Pass, Bhubaneswar.
The original Odia was written in late 90s and was published in 2000.
Thursday, 17 January 2019
Sunday, 13 January 2019
Column | Window Seat
Window Seat | Mrinal Chatterjee
Kottayam, in Central Kerala where I am now for
a week on a teaching assignment is also known as Akshara (alphabet) Nagari
or Land of Letters. It is
one of the main centres of literature in Kerala. Many of the first Malayalam
dailies like Malayala Manorama, Deepika and Mangalam were started and are
headquartered in Kottayam.
During the British period, various missionaries
and the Christian churches established many schools, colleges and other
educational institutions in and around the city. This is the place where English education first
began in Kerala.
It is a calm and serene place in comparison to
the hustle bustle of Cochin. The demographic and sociological profile of
Kottayam is interesting. There is a sizeable Christian population in Kottayam.
However, I found people here wearing their religious identity very lightly.
Life here is laid back and unhurried like the
water in its backwater, or senior citizens reading newspapers soaking early
morning sunshine on their varandah.
Dear Kerala Weather
When my wife was packing my clothes before
coming to Kottayam, Kerala, she insisted to put in couple of winter wears
thinking of the early January chill. Little did she know that Kerala
practically experiences no winter. It is as hot here as in early March in
Dhenkanal, Odisha.
So thinking that the labour I undertook to
carry those woolen garments will go waste, I posted an appeal on my
facebook page: Dear Kerala weather, please show some respect for January and
some compassion for my dear wife, who packed my bags with woolen garments.
Pat came a comment: Go visit Munnar. The
temperature there now is hovering around 3 degree cencious.
I had to take back my appeal.
Power of Photographs
A small board was placed on the table of the
restaurant I went to eat my dinner. It
had a beautiful picture of a bird and a rabbit in a playful mood. It also had
picture of squid. Rates for each and how can you eat them were written on the
I am a non-vegetarian. But the bird and the
rabbit looked so adorable in the photograph and the squid so obnoxious that I
could not bring myself to eat them.
I ordered chicken instead. There were no photograph of a playful hen on the board.
I ordered chicken instead. There were no photograph of a playful hen on the board.
Teaching is such a pleasure, especially if you have a bunch
of bright young students eager to learn. You share ideas, crack jokes, answer
their queries and questions. Your intellectual faculty is constantly challenged
and enriched. I love teaching. Thank God for making me a teacher and for giving
me this opportunity to travel across the country to teach, learn and
reinvigorate yourself.
As a teacher, I prepare a lot before taking any class,
anywhere. I consider it a sacrilege to enter a class without preparation. Even then
I get nervous before taking every class. I have been teaching for the last 20
years. Even then I feel nervous. It seems every class is my first. My son
(who also is a teacher now), when he was a kid used to be surprised when he
found me reading the night before and used to ask his mother 'why is Baba
reading fat books, he is a teacher, isn’t he?' (He probably understands
But when I enter the class and start teaching the nervousness melts and a sense of joy prevails.
It was the same feeling I used to get when I used to anchor a weekly science programme on ETV for over four years.
But when I enter the class and start teaching the nervousness melts and a sense of joy prevails.
It was the same feeling I used to get when I used to anchor a weekly science programme on ETV for over four years.
Fat Achha Hai
new report shows that being overweight is not as harmful as is commonly
believed, and actually confers some surprising health benefits. Being 3 to 6 Kg
overweight could protect people from ailments ranging from tuberculosis to
Alzheimer's disease, research indicates. Those carrying 8 to 13 Kg extra are
better able to recover from adverse conditions such as emphysema, pneumonia,
and various injuries and infections, states the report.
to 20 Kg of flab could help fend off breast cancer,
kidney, pancreatic, prostrate, and colon cancer. And an extra 25 Kg on the
scale may improve eyesight, reverse baldness and cure the common cold.
general, the report concludes, overweight people are happier, more successful
in business, smarter and friendlier.
study was funded by a research grant from Munna Halwai, Pappu Pakodewala, Chaat
Bhandaar, Krishna Kulfi Corner, Lallu Pav Bhaji, Salim Biryani, Gudia Tikki wale,
Suraj Samosa Centre and Khan Sahab ke Kabab.
you know why it is important to know who has funded the research.
media persons commit this mistake and all kinds of bullshit get published as
research study.
Chatterjee is a journalist turned media academician. He lives in Dhenkanal,
Odisha. He writes fiction and columns. A compilation of this column written in
2018 is being published on 26 January 2019.
Friday, 4 January 2019
Thursday, 3 January 2019
Pathe Prantare 2018
Pathe Prantare 2018 to be released on 14 Jan.
Pathe Prantare 2018, anthology of all the episodes of the weekly column of the same title by Mrinal Chatterjee published in Odia Daily Samaya in 2018 will be released on 14 Jan. 2019 at IIMC, Dhenkanal.This column is being published every Sunday in Odia daily Samaya.
Written with large doses of humour and satire this 'slice of life' column has been very popular.
Cover: Jitendra Pati
Cover Photograph: Amit Chatterjee
Copy-editing: Soumya Ranjan Bihara
Wednesday, 2 January 2019
Column in Hindi | Satrangi Batein
सतरंगी बातें
नया नरक
मृणाल चटर्जी
अनुवाद- इतिश्री सिंह राठौर
नरक में जगह नहीं । बहुत पापी भर गए हैं । इस समस्या के समाधान के लिए स्वर्ग लोक में एक बैठक हुई । यमराज ने कहा कि एक्सटेंशन जरूरी है ।
विष्णुजी ने कहा कि नरक का विस्तार नहीं हो सकता । हम जब भी स्वर्ग तथा नरक बनाते हैं यही सोच कर बनाते हैं कि नरक में कम लोग रहेंगे और ज्यादा लोग स्वर्ग आएंगे । फिर से लोगों का पुनर्जन्म होगा । इसीलिए यहां पर कम भीड़ होगी । लेकिन अब एेसा कुछ नहीं हो रहा । लागातार नर्रक में लोगों की संख्या बढ़ रही है । भारी समस्या है यह !
यमराज आप नरक में कम लोगों को जगह दीजिए । कुछ लोगों को स्वर्ग भी भेज दीजिए । जैसे परीक्षा में ग्रेस मार्क दिया जाता है यहां भी ग्रेस मार्क दे दीजिए ।
-इतने दिनों से वही तो कर रहा था प्रभु । जिन लोगों ने मर्त्य लोक में कुछ देवताओं के नामों का जाप किया था, तथा उनकी पूजा की थी उन्हें भी स्वर्ग ले आए । उदाहरण के तौर पर पूजा कमेटी के अध्यक्ष तथा सचिव को स्वर्ग ले आए । जिन लोगों ने सड़क के किनारे मंदिर बनवाए उन्हें भी स्वर्ग ले आए । भारत में जितने बाबा थे -आश्रम बनाकर प्रवचन दे रहे थे उन सभी को स्वर्ग ले आए । लेकिन यह लोग स्वर्ग में बहुत उत्पात मचा रहे हैं प्रभु । स्वर्ग के देवताओं की बात तो छोड़िए तपस्वी तथा ऋषिओं को भी इनके व्यवहार से गुस्सा आ रहा है । यह लोग यहां एरोबिक्स करने लगे हैं । शाम को स्वर्ग में अप्सराएं शास्त्रीय नृत्य और संगीत परिवेषित करती हैं और यह लोग उन्हें लाइन मारते हैं । यह लोग आइटम नम्बर पर डांस करते । रम्भा अगर नागिन डांस करेगी तो क्या अच्छा लगेगा प्रभु ! इन्हें सोमरस दिया जा रहा है लेकिन यह ब्लैक डॉग ने की जिद कर रहे हैं ।
-ब्लैक डॉग ...काला कुत्ता...काला कुत्ता लेकर यह लोग क्या करेंगे ?
-प्रभु ब्लैक डॉग काला कुत्ता नहीं बल्कि कीमती शराब है ।
-शराब या कुत्ता ?
-प्रभु सफेद घोडा, काला नाग इन सभी के नामों से शराब उपलब्ध है । यहां तक कि वृद्ध सन्यासी यानी ओल्ड मोंक के नाम से भी शराब उपलब्ध है ।
-इंसान का कारोवार बहुत ही अजीब है । इंसान की मतिगति कुछ समझ नहीं आती ।
- फिर क्या किया जाए..? अगर नरक की कुछ जगहों में थोड़ी सी फैसिलिटीज बदल दी जाए तो...और बोर्ड लगा दिया जाए कि यह स्वर्ग-2 है । इतने में काम हो जाएगा ?
-मतलब ?
-अाजकल एयरलाइंस कम्पनियों ने प्रीमियम इकोनॉमी क्लास की व्यवस्था है । प्रीमियम में इकोनॉमी क्लास से कई सुविधाएं हैं । लोगों को लगता है कि वह प्रीमियम क्लास में बैठे हैं । इसीलिए अधिक पैसे देने को भी राजी हैं । एेसा कुछ यहां कर सकते हैं क्या ?
-नहीं प्रभु । यह धोखाधड़ी है । स्वर्ग में धोखाधड़ी ठीक नहीं ।
-तो फिर क्या करें ?
बैठक में भी मौैजूद देवता सभी चिंता में डूब गए । नारद सभीकी बातें चुपचाप सुन रहे थे । अब उन्होंने मुंह खोला । एक आइडिया है ।
-पृथ्वी को नरक बना दीजिए ।
-मतलब ?
-नरक में जो है , जो किया जाता है उन सभी की व्यवस्था पृथ्वी में कर दीजिए । लोग पृथ्वी में ही नरकवास कर लेंगे । इन सब के बावजूद जिसने अच्छा काम किया उसे स्वर्ग भेज दिया जाएगा । मरने के बाद फिर से यहां पुनर्जन्म कर दीजिए । जिंदा होते हुए भी नरक में और मरने के बाद भी नरक में ।
-विष्णु ने कहा येस देट इज ए गुड आइडिया । टोटल पृथ्वी को नरक बना दो ।
-उसके बाद से पृथ्वी को नरक बना दिया गया और हम सभी नरकवासी बन गए !
विष्णुजी ने कहा कि नरक का विस्तार नहीं हो सकता । हम जब भी स्वर्ग तथा नरक बनाते हैं यही सोच कर बनाते हैं कि नरक में कम लोग रहेंगे और ज्यादा लोग स्वर्ग आएंगे । फिर से लोगों का पुनर्जन्म होगा । इसीलिए यहां पर कम भीड़ होगी । लेकिन अब एेसा कुछ नहीं हो रहा । लागातार नर्रक में लोगों की संख्या बढ़ रही है । भारी समस्या है यह !
यमराज आप नरक में कम लोगों को जगह दीजिए । कुछ लोगों को स्वर्ग भी भेज दीजिए । जैसे परीक्षा में ग्रेस मार्क दिया जाता है यहां भी ग्रेस मार्क दे दीजिए ।
-इतने दिनों से वही तो कर रहा था प्रभु । जिन लोगों ने मर्त्य लोक में कुछ देवताओं के नामों का जाप किया था, तथा उनकी पूजा की थी उन्हें भी स्वर्ग ले आए । उदाहरण के तौर पर पूजा कमेटी के अध्यक्ष तथा सचिव को स्वर्ग ले आए । जिन लोगों ने सड़क के किनारे मंदिर बनवाए उन्हें भी स्वर्ग ले आए । भारत में जितने बाबा थे -आश्रम बनाकर प्रवचन दे रहे थे उन सभी को स्वर्ग ले आए । लेकिन यह लोग स्वर्ग में बहुत उत्पात मचा रहे हैं प्रभु । स्वर्ग के देवताओं की बात तो छोड़िए तपस्वी तथा ऋषिओं को भी इनके व्यवहार से गुस्सा आ रहा है । यह लोग यहां एरोबिक्स करने लगे हैं । शाम को स्वर्ग में अप्सराएं शास्त्रीय नृत्य और संगीत परिवेषित करती हैं और यह लोग उन्हें लाइन मारते हैं । यह लोग आइटम नम्बर पर डांस करते । रम्भा अगर नागिन डांस करेगी तो क्या अच्छा लगेगा प्रभु ! इन्हें सोमरस दिया जा रहा है लेकिन यह ब्लैक डॉग ने की जिद कर रहे हैं ।
-ब्लैक डॉग ...काला कुत्ता...काला कुत्ता लेकर यह लोग क्या करेंगे ?
-प्रभु ब्लैक डॉग काला कुत्ता नहीं बल्कि कीमती शराब है ।
-शराब या कुत्ता ?
-प्रभु सफेद घोडा, काला नाग इन सभी के नामों से शराब उपलब्ध है । यहां तक कि वृद्ध सन्यासी यानी ओल्ड मोंक के नाम से भी शराब उपलब्ध है ।
-इंसान का कारोवार बहुत ही अजीब है । इंसान की मतिगति कुछ समझ नहीं आती ।
- फिर क्या किया जाए..? अगर नरक की कुछ जगहों में थोड़ी सी फैसिलिटीज बदल दी जाए तो...और बोर्ड लगा दिया जाए कि यह स्वर्ग-2 है । इतने में काम हो जाएगा ?
-मतलब ?
-अाजकल एयरलाइंस कम्पनियों ने प्रीमियम इकोनॉमी क्लास की व्यवस्था है । प्रीमियम में इकोनॉमी क्लास से कई सुविधाएं हैं । लोगों को लगता है कि वह प्रीमियम क्लास में बैठे हैं । इसीलिए अधिक पैसे देने को भी राजी हैं । एेसा कुछ यहां कर सकते हैं क्या ?
-नहीं प्रभु । यह धोखाधड़ी है । स्वर्ग में धोखाधड़ी ठीक नहीं ।
-तो फिर क्या करें ?
बैठक में भी मौैजूद देवता सभी चिंता में डूब गए । नारद सभीकी बातें चुपचाप सुन रहे थे । अब उन्होंने मुंह खोला । एक आइडिया है ।
-पृथ्वी को नरक बना दीजिए ।
-मतलब ?
-नरक में जो है , जो किया जाता है उन सभी की व्यवस्था पृथ्वी में कर दीजिए । लोग पृथ्वी में ही नरकवास कर लेंगे । इन सब के बावजूद जिसने अच्छा काम किया उसे स्वर्ग भेज दिया जाएगा । मरने के बाद फिर से यहां पुनर्जन्म कर दीजिए । जिंदा होते हुए भी नरक में और मरने के बाद भी नरक में ।
-विष्णु ने कहा येस देट इज ए गुड आइडिया । टोटल पृथ्वी को नरक बना दो ।
-उसके बाद से पृथ्वी को नरक बना दिया गया और हम सभी नरकवासी बन गए !
(मृणाल चटर्जी ओडिशा के जानेमाने लेखक और प्रसिद्ध व्यंग्यकार हैं । मृणाल ने अपने स्तम्भ 'जगते थिबा जेते दिन' ( संसार में रहने तक) से ओड़िया व्यंग्य लेखन क्षेत्र को एक मोड़ दिया । इनका एक नाटक संकलन प्रकाशित होने वाला है । )
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